To the Lactating Cow…DCAD Potassium just means more

Because of its dominant role in the body as an electrolyte, potassium (K) is one of the most important nutrients in the ration. In a lactation cycle, the cow needs to eat a shocking 130 kg of potassium for top performance. While the cow could get by with a base level of 1.0% K in her ration dry matter, few nutritionists feed less than 1.4% K. The reason is that higher ration K affords many additional performance and risk management benefits. Many nutritionists choose to optimize the benefits of higher levels of supplemental K by using exclusively a buffer or +DCAD form of K. This is where a protected potassium carbonate, such as K-Carb Plus, enters the stage.

What are the benefits of positive DCAD potassium?

·       Positive DCAD buffers the cow’s whole system, raising rumen pH and stabilizing  blood electrolyte balance. While both sodium bicarb class products and potassium carbonate contribute to positive DCAD, their use in tandem appears to yield better results in cow performance.

·       Fresh cows need more K, according to studies that suggest that K excretion is higher after calving. Positive DCAD will have a greater impact in fresh cows for helping adapt the rumen to the lactation ration and in boosting feed intake.

·       Only positive DCAD potassium works during heat stress. There is extensive research showing that +DCAD is highly beneficial during heat stress. Unfortunately, potassium sources that are not in the DCAD form (such as KCl) reduce total ration DCAD and reduce the impact of extra K supplementation. Because heat stress significantly increases K losses in sweat, the cow needs more K. The only real option, however, is +DCAD potassium. Ration K is often raised up to 1.8% or even 2.0% of dry matter during heat stress.

·       Higher K helps limit milk fat depression by altering fat biohydrogenation in the rumen. Higher levels of rumen K inhibit rumen bacteria that produce trans-10 fatty acids, a known cause of milk fat depression. Including 50 or more grams of +DCAD K, may increase milk fat by as much as 0.2 points.

·       Higher K increases feed intake and total lactation performance.

Why K-Carb Plus?

·       K-Carb Plus is technical K source that is manufactured using a proprietary process that incorporates fatty acids into the crystalline structure of anhydrous potassium carbonate. This process greatly reduces the potential interaction of potassium carbonate with its environment. Untreated potassium carbonates (PotCarbs) are notoriously prone to absorb moisture (losing flowability) or to chemically react with other dairy ingredients, such as fat or minerals.

·       Very high potassium at 53% K. The highest K level in the market.

·       Excellent buffer and positive DCAD source (+1370 mEq/100 grams).