Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Delivering results
At Barentz, we acknowledge our responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable world. We are seeking to do our part and working with like-minded companies to help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, which calls for less than a 1.5 degrees C rise in global temperatures.
We have chosen to align our company values and collective interests with the United Nations Sustainability Goals. We’ve selected several of the UN Sustainability Goals, which most align with our operations and passions, to guide our program and sustainability investments. The UN Goals we’ve aligned our program around are:
• 3: Good Health & Well-Being
• 5: Gender Equality
• 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
• 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
• 13: Climate Actions
• 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Our ESG objectives are outlined via our yearly ESG workplan. This workplan is comprised of 5 key pillars, Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, Sustainable Procurement and Community Action & Partners. Within each of these pillars we have identified 3-10 tangible actions which we’ve committed to completing.
We’re confident that through the actions of our ESG workplan we will positively contribute to a more sustainable world.